A deep dive into common pool care issues, with a comprehensive look at prevention and treatment for each.
Course curriculum
- What's that Growing in the Pool?
- Steps to Take when Algae is Growing?
- Algae and ALEX Pro: Why did it do that?
Cloudy Water
- Why do Pools get Cloudy?
- What Products Work Best to Clear Cloudy Water?
- Using the ALEX Printout to Diagnose and Treat
Chlorine Demand and Chloramines
- What is Chlorine Demand and Chloramines?
- Utilizing AD30 and Ensuring Customer Confidence
- How to Run an AD30 Test
- Treatment Options
Metals and Staining
- What Causes Metal Problems in Pools?
- Removing Metals
Saltwater Pools
- What Happens Inside the Salt Cell?
- Inadequate Chlorine Reading
- Recap with Saltwater Pool Myths and Facts
Advanced Technical and Troubleshooting PHTA Accredidation Quiz
- Advanced Technical and Troubleshooting PHTA Accredidation Quiz (2 CEU)
- Satisfaction Survey